The GP2.0 E-Learning Course on Durable Solutions for Internally Displaced Persons
(Approximate duration: 3 hours 10 minutes)

photo credit: Muse Mohammed, IOM, 2016.
Access the course by registering on DisasterReady. If you are already registered on DisasterReady please click on the direct link here.
This self-paced, online training course is an introduction to Durable Solutions for Internally Displaced Persons. In approximately 3 hours the course will provide foundational notions on durable solutions, actors involved in achieving them, and how to implement them in practice. At the end of the course users are expected to be familiar with international and national frameworks for durable solutions, key planning and partnership tools for analysis, financing, and policymaking, as well as with promising examples of area-based approaches for reintegration processes.
The course was developed by the GP2.0 Initiative on Internal Displacement, with technical support from the UNHCR Global Learning and Development Centre. GP2.0 members such as OCHA, UNHCR, UNDP, IOM, JIPS, IDMC, UN Habitat, the Office of the UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of IDPs, UNDCO, DRC, NRC, the Lives in Dignity Facility, and ILO, among other organizations, have been involved in developing and peer reviewing the course content, and provided oversight and guidance throughout the project.